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系统介绍: 有机化合物急性毒性在线预测系统(CISOC-WEBPAT)是一款基于网络的化合物急性毒性预测系统。用户可以通过网络提交需要预测的化合物结构,预测结果可及时显示在对应的网页上。该系统为您在开展新医药、新农药、新材料的设计工作和新有机污染物的研究过程中,提供化合物的急性毒性信息。
CISOC-WEBPAT is a web-based prediction system of acute toxicity. Users can submit a single chemical structure via internet, and the prediction result will be displayed on the web page. It can provide acute toxicity information in drug design, pesticide design, material design and identification of organic pollutants.




* If you want to get full access to the Prediction System of Acute Toxicity, please contact with Lab of Computer Chemistry and Cheminformatics, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS. Tel:(86)(21)54925266 Fax:(86)(21)54925264