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化合物键能信息管理系统(CISOC-BEIMS) 具有化合物以及键能检索功能,可以快速有效地为使用者提供化合物的键能信息(键能实验值或键能计算值)。该系统可以作为从事相关领域的科研人员快速获取化合物的键能信息的有效工具之一,并有助于提高科研人员的工作效率。用户可以很方便地通过互联网使用该系统,既可以根据化合物结构、CAS号,获得其键能的信息;也可以根据键能实验值、键能计算值和键能类型的检索,获得对应的化合物信息。目前,该系统收录了100多个化合物。


CISOC-BEIMS can be used to retrieve information about chemical and it's bond energy by a chemical structure, a CAS number or bond energy. It is a web-based information system. There are more than 100 chemicals in the system.




CISOC-NPACVLMS can be used to retrieve information about anti-nCoV lead compound and it's properties by a chemical structure, a CAS number, or properties(logP, AntiVirus-Pred, AntiHIV-Pred, Dock-6LU7, Dock-7BUY). It is a web-based information system. There are more than 200 chemicals in the system.




SYHHY-SPMS can be used to retrieve information about support design document by the relevant data of valve and pipeline support. It is a web-based information system. It is easy to use.




CISOC-WEBLogS is used to predict water solubility (LogS) of a compound. It is based on the prediction model which has the data of water solubility and chemical structure. It is easy to use.


苦味剂信息查询系统 (CISOC-WEBBCISS) 具有化合物以及性质检索功能,可以为使用者有效快速提供苦味剂的信息。该系统可以作为从事相关领域的科研人员快速获取苦味剂信息的有效工具之一,并有助于提高科研人员的工作效率。用户可以很方便地通过互联网使用该系统,既可以根据化合物结构、CAS号或名称,获得其性质;也可以根据性质:logP、logS、pKa、密度、沸点,获得对应的化合物。目前,该系统收录了700多个苦味化合物。


CISOC-WEBBCISS can be used to retrieve information about chemical and it's properties by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or properties(logP, logS, pKa, density, boiling point). It is a web-based information system. There are more than 700 chemicals in the system.




CISOC-LogS is based on the prediction model which has the data of water solubility and chemical structure. It can be used to predict LogS of one or more compounds based on their chemical structures. It is easy to use.




CISOC-MFIMS manages the material formula information with tree structure, integrates the material formula information and chemical information of component compounds: chemical structure, performance, toxicity and text information, and has the function of text and chemical structure search and management. It is easy for users to use. It will be a good assistant for the researchers to manage and search the information of material formula.


有机化合物水溶解度检索系统 (CISOC-WEBASISS) 具有化合物以及溶解度检索功能,可以为使用者有效快速提供有机化合物的水溶解度信息。该系统可以作为从事药物、农药研究及相关领域的科研人员快速获取化合物的水溶解度性质信息的有效工具之一,并有助于提高科研人员的工作效率。用户可以很方便地通过互联网使用该系统,既可以根据化合物结构、CAS号或名称,获得其水溶解度;也可以根据水溶解度,获得对应的化合物。目前,该系统收录了7800多个化合物的水溶解度信息。


CISOC-WEBASISS can be used to retrieve information about chemical and it's aqueous solubility by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or aqueous solubility. It is a web-based information system. There are more than 7800 chemicals in the system.


农药代谢信息检索系统 (CISOC-WEBPMISS) 具有农药化合物以及代谢反应检索功能,可以有效快捷地为使用者提供农药的基本信息、毒性信息以及代谢信息。用户可以很方便地通过互联网使用该系统,既可以根据化合物结构、CAS号或名称,获得对应的性质、毒性和代谢信息;也可以根据代谢反应中的反应物或产物,获得会产生这种化合物的农药信息。


CISOC-WEBPMISS can be used to retrieve information about pesticide and it's metabolism by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or metabolism reaction. It is a web-based information system.




The CISOC-MFINT has the following functions: 1. Integrating the material formula information into a formula database according to the formula information and composition (including text and chemical information); 2. Adding the new formula information to the existing database content; 3. Updating the information in the database.The database file can be used by the corresponding information search system.


富勒烯化合物信息检索系统 (CISOC-WEBFCISS) 具有化合物以及性质查询功能,可以为使用者有效快速提供富勒烯化合物及其衍生物化学和对应的性质信息。


CISOC-FCISS can be used to retrieve information about fullerene and its derivatives by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or properties. It is easy for users to search fullerene and its derivatives' information via internet.


危险化学品信息查询系统(CISOC-WEBHCIMS)可以通过网络,为用户提供危险化学品信息查询服务,且具有化合物结构信息、CAS 号、中/英文名称、别名和毒性等信息查询功能。


CISOC-WEBHCIMS can be used to retrieve information about hazardous chemicals by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or toxicity. It is a web-based information system.




CISOC-WEBHNMR is used to predict H-1 NMR spectrum of organic compound. It is a complement of H-1 NMR database and useful in identification of structures.




CISOC-TCMIMS can be used to retrieve information about traditional Chinese medicine by chemical structure, activities, toxicities and text information. It can be used by researching and management. It is easy for users to use.




CISOC-WEBFAIMS can be used to retrieve information about food additives by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name, a CNS number, an INS number, a FEMA number, a food name or a type number of a food. It is a web-based information system.


C-13 NMR波谱信息是有机化合物结构分析最重要的手段,CISOC-WEBCNMR能精确预测新化合物的C-13 NMR谱,以解决传统的数据库不能提供新化合物的C-13 NMR谱的问题。


CISOC-WEBCNMR is used to predict C-13 NMR spectrum of organic compound. It is a complement of C-13 NMR database and useful in identification of structures.




CISOC-WEBpKa can be used to predict pKa of a compound based on its chemical structure. It can be applied in pesticide design, drug design, environment protection and food safety.




CISOC-WEBFSISS can be used to submit the compound information relating to food safety, to facilitate the expansion and updating of instant data for the information system. It is easy for administrators and users with authority to submit the chemicals and spectrum to the data system on the server via internet.




CISOC-WEBPMT is a web-based prediction system of mutagenic toxicity. Users can submit a single chemical structure via internet, and the prediction result will be displayed on the web page. It can provide mutagenic toxicity information in drug design, pesticide design, material design and identification of organic pollutants.




CISOC-WEBFSIMS can be used to search the compound information relating to food safety. There are three functions in this system: chemical structure search, HPLC search and database browsing. It is easy for users to search chemical structure or retention time to get compound and HPLC information via internet.




CISOC-WEBPCT is a web-based prediction system of carcinogenic toxicity. Users can submit a single chemical structure via internet, and the prediction result will be displayed on the web page. It can provide carcinogenic toxicity information in drug design, pesticide design, material design and identification of organic pollutants.




CISOC-WEBPAT is a web-based prediction system of acute toxicity. Users can submit a single chemical structure via internet, and the prediction result will be displayed on the web page. It can provide acute toxicity information in drug design, pesticide design, material design and identification of organic pollutants.




CISOC-PLIMS is a management system of pesticide lead information. It can be used to search and manage the chemical structures, activities, toxicities, text and graphic information. Its interface is friendly. It is easy for users to use.




CISOC-WEBPESTRMS has two functions: receptor information search and ligand information search. It has been used to construct “pesticide receptor information platform”. CISOC-WEBCRMS is a web-based chemical information management system which can be used to construct a chemical information database. It was used to construct a chemical reagents search system which includes the reagents’ structures, trade names, chemical names and CAS. It is easy for users to search the chemical reagents information via internet.




CISOC-WEBPESTRMS has two functions: receptor information search and ligand information search. It has been used to construct “pesticide receptor information platform”. The receptor information and the corresponding ligand information of herbicide, fungicide and insecticide were included in this platform. It is easy for users to search receptor or ligand information via internet.


SSTP生物医药数据库检索软件具有药材、化合物检索和书籍阅读功能。目前,该系统收录了《中华本草》、《中药天然产物大全》、 《中华海洋本草》和《中药大辞典》四套工具书中的化合物和药材信息。用户可通过网络方便地使用该系统。


SSTP Bio-Med database manager system has three functions: herb search, chemical structure search and book browser. There are four books in the system: 《ZHONG HUA BEN CAO》,《Comprehensive Natural Products in Traditional Chinese Medicine》,《ZHONG HUA HAI YANG BEN CAO》 and 《Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary》. It is easy for users to use via internet.




CISOC-PSAT is a prediction system of acute toxicity. CISOC-PSAT can be used to predict acute toxicity of organic compounds.




CISOC-MetaKBMS is a management system of metabolism knowledge base. It can be used to not only construct a metabolism knowledge base based on a metabolism database, but also search metabolism knowledge. It is a powerful tool for researchers to make the best use of experimental data. It can be applied in pesticide design, drug design, environment protection and food safety.




The acid-base ionization/dissociation constant, pKa, is a measure of the strength of an acid. CISOC-pKa can be used to predict pKa of a compound based on its chemical structure. It can be applied in pesticide design, drug design, environment protection and food safety.

有机化合物电离常数知识库管理系统(pKa Knowledge Base Management System


a chemical information management system which can be used to construct and manage pKa knowledge base.

先导化合物筛选系统(Leading Compounds Screening System


CISOC-LSS can analyze information about compound structures and their properties in real time. It can be applied not only in screening lead compounds of drug/pesticide, but also in analyzing properties of massive amount of compounds.

复杂化合物体系间的挥发成分相似性比较系统(Similarity Comparison of Volatile Components in Complex Compounds)



CISOC-GC/MSSim is a system used to compare the similarity of volatile components in different complex compounds.

化合物致突变毒性预测系统(Prediction System of Mutagenic Toxicity)

化合物致突变毒性预测系统(PSMT)是一个用于预测化合物致突变毒性的软件。化合物致 突变毒性预测系统可以对用户提供的化合物进行致突变毒性预测,为您在设计新医药、新农药和新材料过程中,提供化合物的致突变毒性的信息。


PSMT is a system used to predict mutagenic toxicity of compounds qualitatively.

化学信息管理系统 (Chemical Information Management System)



CISOC-ChIMS is a chemical information management system including functions: text search and chemical structure search.

有机化合物疏水常数预测系统(Prediction System of LogP)

有机化合物疏水常数预测系统(CISOC - LOGP)是一个用于预测化合物疏水常数的软件。化合物疏水常数预测系统可以对用户提供的化合物进行疏水常数预测,为您在设计新医药、新农药和新材料过程中,提供化合物疏水常数的信息。 它是对LogP数据库的一个有效补充。


CISOC–LOGP is used to predict octanol/water partition coefficient (LogP) of a compound. It is a complement of LogP database. LogP is one of important parameters for a compound in drug design and pesticide design.

计算机辅助合成设计系统 (Synthesis Design)



CISOC-RetroSyn is used to aid chemists in synthesis design for a compound. Based on reaction knowledge integrated in the system, it is able to analyze individual target compounds and generate their synthesis routes.

化学反应知识获取系统 (Acquirement System of Reaction Knowledge)



CISOC-ASRK is used to acquire reaction knowledge from organic reaction data collected by customer or commercial available. In the system, organic reaction data are classified according to reaction center and different reaction modes are described by reaction descriptors.

虚拟化合物结构生成系统 ( Virtual Chemical Structures Generator)



CISOC-VCSG is used to generate a series of various compounds with the same scaffold. It can be used in virtual screening in drug design and pesticide design.

化合物致癌毒性预测系统(Prediction System of Carcinogenic Toxicity)



CISOC-PSCT is a system used to predict carcinogenic toxicity of compounds qualitatively.


ChemLab套装软件(Chemlab package)



It is consisted of several modules listed as follows: Chemical databases, Intelligent Calculations (Prediction of LogP, Simulation of spectrum, Prediction of carcinogenic toxicity and etc. ) and Synthesis Design.

化合物C-13 NMR 谱图模拟 (Simulation of C-13 NMR)

C-13 NMR波谱信息是有机化合物结构分析最重要的手段,SCNMR能精确预测新化合物的C-13 NMR谱,以解决传统的数据库不能提供新化合物的C-13 NMR谱的问题。


SCNMR is used to predict C-13 NMR spectrum of organic compound. It is a complement of C-13 NMR database and useful in identification of structures.

化合物H-1 NMR 谱图模拟 (Simulation of H-1 NMR)

H-1 NMR波谱信息是有机化合物结构分析最重要的手段之一,SHNMR能精确预测新化合物的H-1 NMR谱,以解决传统的数据库不能提供新化合物的H-1 NMR谱的问题。


SHNMR is used to predict H-1 NMR spectrum of organic compound. It is a complement of H-1 NMR database and useful in identification of structures.




SCIP is a system used to automatically identify and mark the stereo center of compounds based on CIP rules.

红外波谱模拟(IR Spectral Simulation)



This system is used to simulate Infrared and Raman spectrum of a compound. It is a complement of the database and useful in identification of structures.

未开发化合物(Uncultivated Compounds)



In Uncultivated Compounds Database, there have been more than 25,000 new-found but not deeply researched compounds, which are valuable resource of leads for drug and pesticide design.




LogP database is one of the largest partition coefficient databases, collected logP records of more than 16,000 compounds. More than 10 kinds of data in each record, such as chemical name, chemical structure and CA register number, and different query tools, such as chemical name searching, chemical structure searching and CA register number searching have been provided. Now, people can use it by the site:

可用化合物库(Available Chemicals)



In Available Chemicals database, there are more than 3,000 ordinary chemicals selected from well-known commercial chemical catalogs, and 18 data in each record, including chemical names, properties, suppliers, price and so on.

结构解析(Structure Elucidation)

用于复杂未知物的结构解析。它能将从MS得到的分子式(molecular formula)与从1D和2D NMR数据中获得的化学位移、峰多重性(peak multiplicities)和积分(integrals)相结合,自动地推断出未知化合物的结构。

反应数据库(Reaction Database)

同类反应知识库(Generic Reaction Knowledge Base)
为了能借助于计算机解决合成路线设计中反应预料、反应筹划和未知化合物的合成等复杂问题,我们应用最新的Data Mining技术把隐含在海量化学反应中的反应知识挖掘出来,用框架系统组成了同类反应知识库。

(更新时间:2025-03-13 16:57:46)

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