

    ChemLab数据库是化学信息的重要资源,是知识创新的重要工具。目前本站提供的数据库有未开发化合物数据库、LogP数据库、质谱数据库 、精细化学品数据库、农药数据库和化合物离解常数数据库。

    Chemlab database is important resource of chemical information and significant tools for innovation. On this site, there are several database as followed: LogP database, mass spectrum database, Fine Chemicals Database, Agriculture Chemicals Database and pKa Database.

LogP数据库(LogP Database) (Update 2024-02-21)


    LogP database is a large octanol/water partition coefficient (LogP) database, which provides many methods of query and can help you find data rapidly which you need in more than 16,700 records.

质谱数据库(Mass Spectrum Database)

   本数据库中包括大量化合物的质谱图,结构,分子量,保留指数,响应系数,CAS号等信息。目前有超过5000个化合物的MS数据 。

    Mass spectrum database provide information about more than 5000 chemicals now, including their mass spectrum, molecular structures, molecular weight, retention indices, response time, CAS number and so on.


精细化学品数据库(Fine Chemicals Database) (Update 2024-02-21)

   本数据库中收集了大量精细化学品的结构,名称,基本物理化学性质等信息。目前 提供结构检索,CAS号检索及名称检索三种检索方式。能迅速从超过21300个精细化学品的记录中找到需要的数据。

    Fine chemicals database collected a large amount of fine chemicals information, including their names, molecular structures, physical chemistry properties and so on. Three query modes: structure query, CAS number query and name query are provided. You can get information you desired from 21,300 fine chemicals records rapidly.


农用化学品数据库(Agriculture Chemicals Database) (Update 2024-02-21)

   本数据库中收集了大量农用化学品(除草剂,杀菌剂,杀虫剂等)的结构,基本信息,物理化学性质,分析方法,各种毒性性质及应用情况等详细信息,目前提供了结构检索和CAS号检索两种检索方式。有约800个农用化学品的记录 。

    Agriculture chemicals database collected information of more than 800 agriculture chemicals (Insecticide, fungicide, herbicide), including their identification information, molecular structures, physical chemistry properties and analytical methods, toxicity and applications. Structure query,  name query and CAS number query are provided.


化合物离解常数数据库(pKa Database) (Update 2024-02-21)

   本数据库中收集了2000多个化合物的名称、结构 及其物离解常数(pKa)信息,目前提供了结构,名称及pKa值三种检索方式。

    There are more than 2000 chemicals and their names and pKa in this  database. Structure query,  name query and pKa  query are provided.


农药受体信息检索平台(Pesticide Receptor Information Platform)       (Update 2024-02-21)


    The receptor information and the corresponding ligand information of herbicide, fungicide and insecticide were included in this platform. It is easy for users to search receptor or ligand information via internet. There are 86 ligands in the system.


化学品与食品安全信息查询系统(Chemicals and Foodsafety Information Management System)       (Update 2024-02-21)


    Chemicals and Foodsafety Information Management System can be used to search the compound information relating to food safety. There are three functions in this system: chemical structure search, HPLC search and database browsing. It is easy for users to search chemical structure or retention time to get compound and HPLC information via internet.


食品添加剂信息管理系统(Food Additives Information Management System)       (Update 2024-02-21)

   食品添加剂信息管理系统(CISOC-WEBFAIMS)能有效管理食品添加剂信息, 具有化合物结构信息和食品添加剂信息查询功能。从事食品加工和食品安全监管人员, 只需向该系统提交以下信息中的一项:食品添加剂的化合物结构、CAS号、名称、CNS号、INS号、FEMA号或食品名称、食品分类号, 便可获得与该提问信息相关食品添加剂的关联信息。该系统与现有的食品添加剂查询系统最主要的区别是:本系统具有食品添加剂的化学结构检索功能。

    CISOC-WEBFAIMS can be used to retrieve information about food additives by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name, a CNS number, an INS number, a FEMA number, a food name or a type number of a food. It is a web-based information system.


危险化学品信息查询系统(Hazardous Chemicals Information System)       (Update 2024-02-21)

   危险化学品信息查询系统(CISOC-WEBHCIMS)可以通过网络,为用户提供危险化学品信息查询服务,且具有化合物结构信息、CAS 号、中/英文名称、别名和毒性等信息查询功能。数据持续更新中,目前收录了300多个危险化学品。

    CISOC-WEBHCIMS can be used to retrieve information about hazardous chemicals by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or toxicity. It is a web-based information system. Data is updating. Now, there are more than 300 chemicals in the system.

富勒烯化合物信息检索系统(Fullerene Compound Information Search System)       (Update 2024-02-21)

   富勒烯化合物信息检索系统 (CISOC-WEBFCISS) 具有化合物以及性质查询功能,可以为使用者有效快速提供富勒烯化合物及其衍生物化学和对应的性质信息。目前收录了100个富勒烯化合物及其衍生物,C60衍生物50个,C70衍生物50个。

    CISOC-FCISS can be used to retrieve information about fullerene and its derivatives by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or properties. It is easy for users to search fullerene and its derivatives' information via internet.There are 100 fullerene and its derivatives in the system.

农药代谢信息检索系统(Pesticide Metabolism Information Search System)       (Update 2024-02-21)

   农药代谢信息检索系统 (CISOC-WEBPMISS) 具有农药化合物以及代谢反应检索功能,可以有效快捷地为使用者提供农药的基本信息、毒性信息以及代谢信息。用户可以很方便地通过互联网使用该系统,既可以根据化合物结构、CAS号或名称,获得对应的性质、毒性和代谢信息;也可以根据代谢反应中的反应物或产物,获得会产生这种化合物的农药信息。目前收录了除草剂180多个、杀虫剂180多个、杀菌剂180多个以及代谢反应7000多条。

    CISOC-WEBPMISS can be used to retrieve information about pesticide and it's metabolism by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or metabolism reaction. It is a web-based information system.There are more than 180 herbicides, 180 insecticides and 180 fungicides, and more than 7000 metabolism reactions in the system.

有机化合物水溶解度检索系统(Organic Compounds Aqueous Solubility Search System)       (Update 2024-02-21)

   有机化合物水溶解度检索系统 (CISOC-WEBASISS) 具有化合物以及溶解度检索功能,可以为使用者有效快速提供有机化合物的水溶解度信息。该系统可以作为从事药物、农药研究及相关领域的科研人员快速获取化合物的水溶解度性质信息的有效工具之一,并有助于提高科研人员的工作效率。用户可以很方便地通过互联网使用该系统,既可以根据化合物结构、CAS号或名称,获得其水溶解度;也可以根据水溶解度,获得对应的化合物。目前,该系统收录了7800多个化合物的水溶解度信息。

    CISOC-WEBASISS can be used to retrieve information about chemical and it's aqueous solubility by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or aqueous solubility. It is a web-based information system. There are more than 7800 chemicals in the system.

苦味剂信息查询系统(Bitter Compounds Information Search System)       (Update 2024-02-21)

   苦味剂信息查询系统 (CISOC-WEBBCISS) 具有化合物以及性质检索功能,可以为使用者有效快速提供苦味剂的信息。该系统可以作为从事相关领域的科研人员快速获取苦味剂信息的有效工具之一,并有助于提高科研人员的工作效率。用户可以很方便地通过互联网使用该系统,既可以根据化合物结构、CAS号或名称,获得其性质;也可以根据性质:logP、logS、pKa、密度、沸点,获得对应的化合物。目前,该系统收录了700多个苦味化合物。

    CISOC-WEBBCISS can be used to retrieve information about chemical and it's properties by a chemical structure, a CAS number, a Name or properties(logP, logS, pKa, density, boiling point). It is a web-based information system. There are more than 700 chemicals in the system.

支架设计档案管理系统(Management System of Support Design Document)       (Update 2022-01-25)


    SYHHY-SPMS can be used to retrieve information about support design document by the relevant data of valve and pipeline support. It is a web-based information system. It is easy to use.

中泰药材中抗新冠先导信息管理系统(Anti-nCoV Lead Comp. in TCM and Thai Herb Management System)       (Update 2024-02-21)


    CISOC-NPACVLMS can be used to retrieve information about anti-nCoV lead compound and it's properties by a chemical structure, a CAS number, or properties(logP, AntiVirus-Pred, AntiHIV-Pred, Dock-6LU7, Dock-7BUY). It is a web-based information system. There are more than 200 chemicals in the system.

(更新时间:2024-09-18 09:33:22)

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